Thursday, May 9, 2013


I have to laugh every time I see SMS talk because it's become so accepted that it's almost replacing actual statements and what have you. It's almost like people have become to lazy to write in full words. In the days when I was a kid learning about writing out a complete sentence I remember that answering a simple yes was frowned upon. I guess we are going backward now which is why it's okay to use the alphabet in ways that we never before thought possible.

I  remember the first time I read "lol" on a message I was wondering what the hell it meant. I love how if you don't know what any of that means you  are pretty much an outsider, so far out of the loop, you don't belong in society. I find this funny because not only is it incorrect, it's ridiculous. I am not saying that because I like to write I am saying it because I fucking hate the lazy nature of SMS, online, IM  talk.

Next time you write LOL try to remember what it stands for. Don't type stupid shit like OMFG, OMG, IDK, it's a lazy shortcut and it's not really endearing.

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