Thursday, May 9, 2013


I read this story about a guy swallowed by a hippo and quite frankly I have to say it, the guy was a total jackass. I understand that the man that was attacked was an experienced traveler and river guide but still the way he speaks makes me think of him as a total jackass. If he was so experienced what in the hell made him that a hippo would not randomly get pissed off and attack? A hippo is a wild animal and there is nothing, absolutely nothing remotely approachable about it.

The guy that was swallowed talks of his harrowing tale, going numb for a few minutes feeling like he was going through eternity. The fact is that he wasn't swallowed whole, just swallowed from the waist down.The whole point is that you never turn your back on a wild animal. What the hell jackass? Seriously if you  you know animals so well you should never, ever assume that animals in the wild will not attack when they feel their domain is being threatened.

Jackass think about your surroundings next time.

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