Thursday, May 9, 2013


So I read online about John McCain's proposed a la carte cable service bill. I think that this proposed bill is a fantastic way to protect the consumer and also a great way to show media conglomerates that bullshit will not be tolerated. The cable industry is up in arms because they feel that they are being absolutely fair in charging close to two hundred dollars a month for their services. Cable providers are working under the impression that more is better but that's actually a lot of crap.

This bill is a clear example of someone with a position really trying to do something for the people. Republican or Democrat you have to commend the effort to step outside the scope of special interests and over the top capitalism. I think that McCains' bill will allow for a new weapon in terms of channels deciding they will charge a specific rate that will still make monthly cable bills astronomical.

I remember when I was a child growing up in the 80's, the regular subscription usually had  something close to thirty five channels and that was more than enough. Let's apply common sense for a minute here, do we really need over three or four hundred channels? Their are channels devoted to just playing music, they don't really even have programming. When I was a kid there was a device know as a radio that we used in order to listen to music.

I like McCain's approach to this bill, he is saying that not everyone wants a million channels that they do not watch. McCain is putting giants like Disney in their place by saying that if someone does not want ESPN, or The Disney Channel, they should not have to pay in order to be able watch ABC family. I think this bill is going to face stiff opposition only because there are a lot of people that are likely married or in debt to money from media conglomerates. I still hope that this is passed and that consumers are able to chose what they want. It's time we got a better deal than the one we have been getting.

Give them hell Senator, give them serious hell.

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