Monday, May 27, 2013


The mayor of osaka made some seriously strong remarks about the sex slave trade recently. The man said that various countries including the US were engaging in the sex slave trade in order to keep up morale. The mayor also said that the various armies were housing the women in brothels created for the men's entertainment. What bothers me about this motherfucker is the level of authority that he used in his statements.

This guy delivered his statements as if they were actual historical fact. There is a lot of classified information that will never known to the public and maybe that's part of it but I seriously doubt it. Would this guy liked it if everyone started talking about the insane sexual practices of Japanese men. I hate to say that but the truth is that there are some serious perverts in Japan.

The man recently apologized but I think his apology was less than halfway sincere simply because when you make a statement like that it's because you are passionate about the subject. I don't appreciate those type of statements because the truth is that it doesn't help anyone. Please mayor do me a favor and  shut the fuck up, in fact don't think anymore.

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