Friday, May 24, 2013


We know that an alpha male is the leader or individual with the highest rank. In a pack the alpha male is the one that everyone listens to and stands behind. The alpha male in a douche pack is usually the Vin Diesel looking idiot with miles of empty game and a delusional attitude reflecting what's usually a serious case of micro penis. The alpha male is in charge but when he allows that to go to his head it causes him problems.

If the alpha male becomes too much of an imbecile he tends to just anger people and alienate them to a point where they are absolutely want nothing to do with his crap. The alpha male's inability to control himself usually leads to some sort of ass whopping that leaves the alpha male in a losing state of sorts.

The alpha male is an asshole and often times brainless where the alpha female is usually the total opposite. The alpha female is usually the sensuous, serious and unbelievably assertive. The alpha female of a group is the one that dictates how the estrogen is divided. The alpha female has to be the independent female that makes the man work while making him feel like a little bitch. 

An alpha female will destroy a man's self esteem and keep walking if she finds it necessary. An alpha male doesn't alway have the capacity to keep up with an alpha female because the alpha female is often more mature than the man. An overly alpha female usually ends up lonely and forgotten like an elderly prostitute looking outdated at the bar. 

The alpha individual can lose more through his or her assertiveness than actually gain what he or she is after. Alphas can also be arrogant and a lot like assholes in the sense that not a lot of people like them or want to be near them. When you want to be the alpha remember that not doing it correctly is likely to kill you socially.

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