Dr. Hello Charlie
Charlie Sheen: WINNING BITCH, I have a special forward constitution. I have tiger blood.
Dr.: Yes, you also have Rhinoceros triglycerides and red panda cholesterol
Charlie Sheen: That is winning BITCH, winning.
Dr.: Even better though, you have the hepatic function of an Australian tiger shark.
Charlie Sheen: TIGER BLOOD BITCH!!
Dr.: I am giving you a clean bill of health so you may get back to work.
Charlie Sheen: Chuck Norris is an un-evolved bitch with no tiger blood. I CREATED CHUCK NORRIS. You know my name?
Dr: Charlie
Charlie Sheen: NO, it is ALPHA 3 from the clepton nebula of the evolved Adonis constitution. Later simpleton !
After that Charlie Sheen went on to star in a movie about his life filmed entirely on location in a tibetan monastery starting Justin Bieber and Alyssa Milano with cameos by Richard Gere, Moby, and Mr. T. Charlie's Dr. would retire and work as a freelance professor of veterinary medicine. The point is you cannot begin to experience the awesomeness of this situation if you do not posses tiger blood.