Sunday, April 14, 2013


Justin Bieber is a fucking little ass that has an uncanny ability to prove how a moron never really changes his moron stripes. How can this little fucker say that he wishes Anne Frank would have been a fan? Anne Frank was a fighter and a survivor that used writing and her imagination to keep her sane during the worst possible time. Anne Frank's story served as a glimpse into a window of time that was a huge example of human nature at its worst.

Anne Frank lived in a damn attic hiding with her family and another family for way too long. To stupidly say she would have been a "beliber" is to take everything she stood for and make it irrelevant. If anything this little ass should be a fan of Anne Frank's. Maybe the weed Justin smokes is preventing him from actually making comments that are halfway intelligent and giving him the ability to go complete dumbass. I wonder if Justin knows the whole story about how she survived and coped, about her typhoid fever leading to her death, her father Otto, or Miep Gies. I think Justin is a clear example of an idiot celebrity that knows a lot about nothing.

I don't like Justing Bieber and I can't respect him on a personal level, it's not a talent issue. Justin Bieber says " Anne was a great girl" and " She would have been a Belieber." Seriously what does this two dollar Elvis impersonator think? Saying something like that shows and incredible lack of depth and sensibility. I can  appreciate what Justin Bieber has done professionally but he needs to learn to measure his words carefully because quite honestly he is not the center of the world.



  1. was a comment wrong he said
    but did not do any harm
    you other people are talking nonsense it
    he is a boy said impulse was joking but you never had 18 or 19 years in the life

    1. First of all he wasn't joking, he is an arrogant little idiot with a massive concept of self. You never heard of Justin Timberlake making comments like that and he is a far bigger star. Yes I was 19, not too long ago but the fact is that i've picked up plenty of books and I have proper historical context. I have met people that survived the holocaust and take Anne Frank's story far too seriously to see it made light of. Next time understand the whole historical picture before you jump to defend someone. Ultimately I can't fault you seeing as I can't even really fully comprehend your writing. Do yourself a favor and pickup a book on how to write properly when responding to a person's commentary. OBRIGADO
