Monday, November 18, 2013


Perhaps I am a bit late in my jump on to the Basil Marceaux bandwagon. Fuck it this is my blog and I do whatever the hell I want. I think Basil is the man to lead this country after Obama is gone. I am proposing that Mr. Marceaux build a grass roots campaign through an advent known as crowd funding. I feel that given his  strong stances on religion, the oath, the flag and vegetation, he would be a breath of fresh air in the US. Let's look at why Basil would run this country right:

This mean has conviction he has a stomach that shows both a great ability to withstand massive quantities of strong mexican beer. Basil is a strong believer in the legalization of marijuana because god's plants should not be illegal as evidenced by his extremely eloquent explanation at a 2010 gubernatorial debate.

That's right, Basil wants people to be happy and relaxed and to be careful with their guns. America, we need this man to lead us, like the captain of the Titanic, the pilot of the Hindenburg. I shall make it my business to get us this man, let's change it up in Washington.

This man will not buy his way to our hearts, no sir, he will steamroll his way through the red tape in Washington take take a literal dump on the hill. Let's get Basil America, before it's too late.

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