Monday, November 11, 2013


I'm not a war monger, I don't go around saying let's bomb this place and that place all to hell. I wish that conflicts could be settled through communication but human nature prohibits that. I am still very thankful for veterans and today, on this veteran't day I say thanks. Veterans have always primarily fought because of an intense belief in the idea that the whole world deserves to be free of oppression.

Veterans do fight for the idea of democracy, every veteran I have met has always expressed a belief in making things right for others. Let's face facts, for every imperfection in our society, America on its worst day is still a gold standard. No, there is no perfect system, but considering the opportunities we have in this country, we can't really complain.

Every veteran is also willing to sacrifice a part of themselves in combat, something not everyone can really begin to comprehend. I never spent a day in a field of battle so I will never make a derogatory statement about a veteran, like so many idiots tend to do. People need to remember that veterans don't go into conflict with agendas, veterans are not politicians.

On this day, even if you don't believe in conflict, don't attack someone for doing what you never would. It's important to be grateful, servicemen and women often make a sacrifice that carries a high price and an almost non existent reward. There are reasons to say thank you to our veterans, too many of them to mention. Today I suggest a thank you because it's the least that can be done and lets our veterans know we understand what they gave up.

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