Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I remember when AOL IM was the only game in town. In those days, not so long ago, the conversation was started by the iconic magic sounding pixie dust bit. I remember the conversations were like meat market exchanges between horny tweeners and promiscuous housewives. I shall now provide an example of said exchanges:

Tweener: Hey!

Slutty Lady: Hi!

Tweener: How are you?

Slutty Lady: Good.

Tweener: What are you doing?

Slutty Lady: A/S/L

Tweener: 35/M/ Manhattan

At this point you knew the conversation was heading to some sort of exchange that included sand paper and bodily fluids coupled with some manner of Chinese Water Torture. The one thing that always stuck out was how you didn't always know the lingo and so, in a way, you had to coax it out of the person in order to understand what they were saying. The following is a sample of said situation:

Person 1: So are you horny? LOL

Person 2: Um yeah LOL

Person 1: Lol

Person 2: Hahahaha

Person 1: Yes!

Person 2: LO

Person 1: ???

Person 2: Like LOL.

Person 1: So laughing out?

Person 2: Yes!!!!!

Person 1: But not loud?

Person 2: YES!!!! LOL

At this point during the conversation you knew something and would go on to use it. Sometimes vulnerability would rear in asking the meaning of something like A/S/L. When you knew the lingo it was like sitting at the permanently reserved cool kids lunch table in elementary and middle school. There was always that moment when you ran into someone that would pull the pseudo intellect to really smack you across the emotional face. It was always some moment that made you question the cyber cred you had as an online player.

Now that Skype, Messenger, Yahoo!, and Gmail chat have a share of the IM market there seems to be new lingo to figure out such as:


This type of lingo seems to be more in tune with today's misguided and less productive youth and also a lot easier to figure out. I am not really a fan of all this BS but I do find its evolution to be quite entertaining and let's face it society is in some sort of vacuum. Why not study incorrect and somehow acceptable abbreviations of words?

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