Thursday, March 21, 2013


Epilepsy is often times overlooked and not really considered by people in general. I was one of those people that did not think much about epilepsy until it became a serious problem for me on a personal level. For the past nineteen years I have been an epilepsy patient and I have been extremely lucky having only suffered three major seizures in the first two years and nothing else since.

Epilepsy is something that can happen to anyone regardless of age, sex, race, and religious belief. I remember that when I was diagnosed with it at age 15 I thought it was the end of the world. I did not think that I would ever be normal. My first mistake was thinking that epilepsy would make me less normal. Epilepsy patients are capable of achieving the same greatness as people without it. Epilepsy rendered me a victim of a why me mentality.

Epilepsy makes you wonder why it was you. To me that moment made no sense because I was just starting high school. I remember my first real seizure was right before my first day of high school. I did not think things could be any worst than that. I do remember reading about a little girl that sometimes had up to 25 seizures a week and thinking to myself that in some way I was blessed to not have a more severe case of epilepsy.

Today I live a normal and highly productive life and while my case was less severe than many others I will say that epilepsy is a motivator and not a detractor.

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