Sunday, March 17, 2013


Richard Nixon was certainly not someone that invited joy and love from other people but he had some major merits to his credit. Nixon was likely the most effective VP in the history of the US especially when you consider the level of authority he had on issues of foreign policy and national security. Nixon had a great deal of experience which allowed him the opportunity of handling the Vietnam conflict with more success than LBJ. While Nixon's personality was incredibly off putting there is one thing about him that most people have to appreciate.

Richard Nixon was not really a guy to pander to anyone if he did not feel it was necessary. A prime example was the NRA. The NRA was, during the Nixon presidency much like now, an extremely powerful lobby. It's come out that Nixon would not cater to them and not only that but that he was willing to take them on by banning weapons altogether. Nixon did not believe anyone should own a gun. Even during periods when Nixon was facing enormous heat he was not willing to be a whore for the gun loving idiots in the NRA.

Nixon was devious, and in many areas someone that you just did not want to deal with. I will say one thing about him, the man had some serious gallons to be willing to take on the NRA. While no gun laws were passed by Nixon it was not really because he did not want to sign anything but because congress, his aides, and too many powers that be were staunchly against it given the power of the NRA.

Thanks for the college try Mr. Nixon!

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