Monday, February 11, 2013


Stalking during the social media age has become something of a victimless crime because stalkers are usually thousands of miles away from their victims and they can't go beyond obsessing with pictures. Once in a while there is that one crazy person that goes way beyond the obsessing over pictures. Let's not mention the rapes, murders, and other such tragic events and stick to the online stalking.

Say you hear that little ring and some girl says "hi." You feel lonely so you decide to answer and let's face it it is flattering to have some girl say hello. This is the first chat:

Girl: Hi
Guy: Hello
Girl: How are you?
Guy: Good
Girl: Where do we know each other from?
Guy: Our shared social media network.
Girl: You are very handsome ;)
Guy: Thank you ;)
Girl: LOL
Guy: LOL, jajajaja you are really sexy
Girl: Likewise
Guy: What are you up to?
Girl: Not much, just finished taking a bath
Guy: Hmmm
Girl: What's that for? LOL ;)
Guy: Sounds relaxing
Girl: TTYL
Guy: Alright sexy!

So the conversations go on and an initially innocent flirtation goes on until someone says something like marriage, love, or something that implies some serious long term commitment. Suddenly the girl is picking out a china pattern and you are trying to get away so you block her. There is a period of peace and ultimately she creates a new profile and several fake profiles to make your life a living hell. The bottom line is that the bitch is crazy. I have to make it clear that in most cases it's men that stalk women but when the occasional woman does it it will be a twice as nice nightmare.

The fact is that nothing will ever replace getting to know a person. It doesn't matter if a woman stalks a woman, man stalks a woman, woman stalks a man, it's all insane. Social media stalking is the sport of the socially underdeveloped person whose obsession with attention due to a bad childhood finally has some sort playground. Social Media is a great way to make the world smaller but at the same time it's also a fantasyland for people with a fragile grip on reality.

I am a firm believer in being open to the whole idea of using social media for gains in terms of friendships, contacts and so forth but I advise everyone be cautious. I am not going to sit and write about big brother conspiracies or tell everyone that social media is the devil but I will categorically state that you need to be careful because BITCH IS CRAZY!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I want to post this to my page but I know it will raise eyebrows. My husbands family stalks my page, so saying this that is why I'm not on FB as much. Hope the writing is going good. Hope you are doing great!
    Beth Lee
