Saturday, February 23, 2013


I love people that call themselves philosophers because they profess to have a vast knowledge of everything. I seem to run into people that love to just spew knowledge like sewage and venom. I really enjoy hearing how the sky is not really blue but rather a reflection of our thoughts. It seems like the less you look the more likely you are to find a self appointed philosopher ready to give you some sort gem about life.

My favorite kind of philosopher is the peace, love, and understanding philosopher. This is the kind of person that will write and speak in redundant fashion without realizing it. You hear statements about brotherhood and staying strong and it's usually one load of shit coupled with another load to make a super load. I really enjoy the part about how peace is found from within rather than through outside sources. I have read the thing about peace from within since I could read so every time someone puts it on their Facebook I have to laugh a little bit. Of course the peace, love, and brotherhood person is not
the only philosopher I know.

There is a philosopher that I love to listen to and that is the religious philosopher. There is something special about this type of philosopher that makes me smile. The religious philosopher is stern and stands by his or her nonsensical type principles that really make you examine absolutely nothing at all. I hear words about the existence of a cadre of spiritual unrelated figures and so on and so forth. The religious philosopher will always have a chip on the shoulder because what he or she says not only makes little sense but also it  doesn't have a strong merit base. Philosophers love to share every bit of knowledge that they can and they come in all shapes, sizes and disciplines.

In the end these "philosophers" are nothing more self righteous and insecure morons without any depth whatsoever. I will always enjoy reading the pearls of wisdom from faux philosophers because I need some entertainment to keep myself relaxed and amused.

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