Saturday, February 16, 2013


The entertainment world is on fire with the recent news of Harrison Ford's unofficial but done deal return to the role of Han Solo. I am pretty amped to hear that because I am a big Star Wars fan but I wonder how that will play out. The latest installment is due out in 2015 which means Ford will be 71 or 72. I wonder how exactly they plan to pull this story off.

The fact is that Star Wars is a universe full of a million different stories surrounding different characters in the saga. I wonder what exactly they plan on covering and if there is a place for Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. There is a magic element to the original cast getting together again but the true box office appeal is really on Harrison Ford who is himself more of an elder statesman. Role reprisal has proven a reliable source of income for aging stars but it doesn't necessarily mean that it will help the film in the long run.

If they don't bring back the original cast it's fair to say that a story will have to be crafted that will cover the demise of the other characters. I think that doing something like that will really piss off the loyal fan base simply because a lot of people like the continuity of the characters and story after Episode VI. People went to see the latest installment of Rocky because they love the nostalgic value of the series. I am guessing that this latest film will be a huge hit regardless of how the story is presented.

One fair question will be if they decide to go the TRON route with this particular film. In the sequel to TRON Jeff Bridges met with an end designed to give the story legs for either another film or a different medium. The Star Wars saga covers print, animation, video games, and just about everything that a person can get their hands on so the legs are not necessary. The question is will they take Harrison Ford and make him a character that comes in as a sort of mentor? I also wonder how they will approach the Jedi aspect? This is another big question seeing as how in the book continuations the Jedi Order was re-established by Luke Skywalker and let's face it everyone loves the sounds and colors of the lightsaber.

Star Wars is the entertainment world's most lucrative cash register so chances are that staying loyal to the original source material and the original storyline won't really be a priority seeing as how this is now a Disney owned franchise. May the Force be with you JJ Abrams.

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