Sunday, February 17, 2013


If you think I call this piece what I call it because of the picture then you are jumping to conclusions. I really dislike Dr. Drew because he is everything that I hate about what medicine has become. Let me try to explain what I mean in a manner that will actually make some sense. I first saw Dr. Drew on the show Loveline back in 1998 or 1999. Dr. Drew was the serious counterpart of well known dipshit Adam Carolla. Loveline as I remember it was basically a show for a bunch of pathetic teens and twenty somethings looking to get advice about how to suck less, or more, at sex.

I thought Dr. Drew was pretty cool by comparison to Adam who is just such a major douchebag. I did not hear much more about Dr. Drew and quite frankly I did not particularly care. I guess Loveline continued on and Dr. Drew's radio and television star began to grow more and more. Eventually I would see Dr. Drew make an impact as a counterpart to that self serving fuck that calls himself Dr. Phil. I still thought Dr. Drew was cool when he broke out as a star of sorts. I stopped thinking that he was cool when his show Celebrity Rehab took to the airwaves. I thought that while celebrities looking for some attention were pathetic to do this he was far more of a dick.

I don't think substance abuse is something to use for the purpose of entertainment. Today marked the death of the fifth participant from that show to die. I understand that addictive behavior is not something that you can just cure overnight. I guess because I understand that I am wondering why a Psychiatrist seems to be cool with attempting to cure long time addicts over a six to eight week period in front of cameras placed strategically in areas where celebrities seem to break down just right. I stated earlier the Dr. Drew was part of what was wrong with medicine today.

I am seeing an evolution where Physicians no longer see their patients but have assistants do it. Money is so important that you will get sent to collections for five dollars and mental health is a televised fad. Fuck guys like Dr. Drew and every Doctor that choses to play a round of golf over seeing a patient. I would never quote Charlie Sheen but he was right Dr. Drew's rate of success is total shit.

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