Saturday, February 16, 2013


I find it abhorrent that a man 60 years of age would slap a crying baby in an flight and yell racist comments at him on top of that. Joe Hundley is a 60 year old man and there was no excuse for what he did. I am disgusted by the fact that this piece of garbage would do something like that. I hope this man is never allowed to travel again. I don't like kids on planes but I would never hit a kid and call him racist word.

To me the most surprising thing is that this behavior came from a man that old. Usually someone his age group is a lot smarter than that even if their is racism involved. What I find funny is that this man's attorney is begging everyone not to rush to judgement. I wonder how no one could judge this guy? You never slap a kid for crying especially if that kid is in a plane and isn't related to you. This old bastard has a previous record for carrying a concealed weapon and he was intoxicated according to police.

I wonder if people in the airline could detect the old man was drunk or if he is so good at concealing his drunkenness that he went undetected. I think that people who have this kind of tendency should be picked out for screenings. I am aware that this man is not a terrorist but he was still a nuisance and what he did created enough stir to garner national attention. Perhaps airlines should ban alcoholic beverages especially given the uncertainty in travel these days. Trash like Joe Hundley should never be allowed to fly let alone do so under the influence.

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