Friday, February 15, 2013


Two fifth graders in Spokane have been arrested and are being held on conspiracy to commit murder. The kids are 10 and 11, mere children conspiring to commit murder. One kid had a knife and the other kid had a gun. So far no names had been revealed but the fact is that the little assholes had a plan. Apparently the little beasts were going to kill another classmate as well as an ex girlfriend. My question is simple: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP?

First of all most fifth grade relationships started around snack break and ended in recess, in my time. What the hell is going on now that fifth graders are so devious and fucked up? I also want to know what a little kid was doing with a gun. How did this kid get a hold of a gun? This is a sign that something in the vein of gun control legislation really has to happen. I know times have changed but it seems like the concept of innocence is dead instead of different. I just can't imagine little kids doing this and actually planning it to the point of having weapons ready.

This is horrendous  turn of events that should serve as a way to create conscience. A lot of things need to change to try to give future generations different examples. We are living in some seriously messed up times. As a nation we need to really pull together in spite of our differences.

Democrats and Republicans will never agree on anything but this goes beyond politics. This goes beyond religion and it goes beyond race. This situation needs to go deep into the consciousness of a society where the fight over the right to be able to act violently is overshadowing the events that are currently taking place. These kids were planning a murder and I just can't wrap myself around that concept. I guess the days of Saturday morning cartoons are over and we now have to worry about kids killing each other during recess.

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