Monday, December 24, 2012


So there is a petition calling for Piers Morgan to be deported. The petition has gathered well over 30,000 signatures and it is quite possibly the stupidest movement against a single individual since Jesus was crucified. I am not actually comparing Piers Morgan to Jesus so settle down you sanctimonious nancy boys. This whole thing comes on the heels of Piers Morgan taking a strong stance in favor of gun control.

Okay if the morons signing this petition stop and look at what the lack of gun control laws is doing to this country they would not be signing this on the grounds of what they consider an attack on the second amendment. Okay yes we do have the right to bear arms but there is no spot that states anything about killing children and yet that happens every day in this country. Do the laws and freedoms also apply to those intending on comitting crimes?

Piers Morgan is using his platform to try and help a bad situation and because of 30,000 gun loving morons we are looking like an ignorant nation full of gun toting idiots. I also want to quote the second amendment for all the idiots out there "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This means a militia not a single lunatic. If we can put a man on the moon we should be able to regulate how guns or weapons of any sort are distributed.

I understand accidents happen but you idiots Sandy Hook was not a fucking accident. I seriously abhor ignorance and how it seems to draw so much attention. I don't always agree with Piers Morgan and I find him a bit arrogant at times but this is one thing I agree with him on. I do believe we need to regulate the sale of arms to the public. If Piers Morgan is attacking the rights of Americans then who is protecting the rights of kids that get killed daily through incidents involving gun violence? Who is protecting the rights of innocent victims getting shot during robberies?

Seems like the backers of the second amendment only know how to read that part of the constitution because they are really ignorant to all other parts of it. I say keep Piers Morgan and throw out garbage like Ted Nugent.

PS. If you are offended by my views go fuck yourself as it is my right to express myself.

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