Tuesday, December 18, 2012


John Lennon sang about no hell below us and above us only sky in the timeless Imagine. I think John was on to something. Today we rely on too much religion, too much war, too much freedom, but realy what do we have from it? I think that is a rhetorical question with an obvious answer.

Perhaps I am developing late Woodstock reflux and I am ready to break out the daisies with some colorful shirts and bubbles. I think though that I am more a broken spirit wondering why so many people have to die without any dam sense whatsoever. We fight wars for years that only hurt the lives of those noble enough to make the sacrifice for self and country. Here at home we fail to fight the wars that would avoid tragedies like the one in Sandy Hook Elementary.

Imagine if in 2013 religious figures stuck to just spreading the word for their respective religions and quit the bullshit and sanctimonious pandering they seem to be so good at. I wonder if it's possible to imagine a 2013 without war and mass death. I guess we are all so jaded that it's impossible to imagine this but just for a minute to see it like that makes the world good again.

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