Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I don't care if you are a democrat or a republican because we live in a free country. I'm bound by our constitution and the freedom of speech, choice, and so on, to respect your ideals. I don't have a side but I do have an observation about both sides. If you are a republican or a democrat and feel sensitive then please stop reading now.

I turn my TV on and all I hear is republicans blaming democrats and vice versa. Every politician with high hopes is getting their name out there in hopes that either the mid term elections or 2016 will be their breakout period. Let's not talk about sides, let's treat this in a more general manner so we can better appraise what's happening.

We put our futures in the hands of men and women that, although well educated, are as flawed as we are. These men and women reach a point where their nature is to assume that they as singular beings know better than every one of their constituents. While most of the time these men and women are well educated, that doesn't mean that they are beyond our reproach or better than us. While society needs a specific order and manner of law, that law and that order needs to be established with the interests of the people in mind.

It's true that 300 million Americans cannot individually agree on anything, other than their right to disagree. I think that one thing we can agree on is the fact that our "leaders" can't step outside of their fragile egos and do what's right. The root of this battle is Obamacare, whether you are for it or against it is irrelevant, at the moment anyway.

You have elected officials hurting the economy, the country's standing, and the well being of the average citizen because " they know what's best." The truth is that whatever our founding fathers spoke of ,when they banded together against an imperialist empire, has evaporated. Today the government does not stand for the cause of its citizens, it simply stands for whatever keeps key figures in power.

Republicans want to be seen as the guardians of value, the keepers of America's coffers. To house republicans it is vital to strike out against Obama's signature law. On the flip side, Democrats want to be  seen as the merry thieves of Sherwood Forrest. What we have are a couple of groups shooting toward opposite extremes and not giving a care about how badly this is stressing the middle. The government did not need to close over this disagreement and that's an undeniable truth, regardless of political proclivity.

It doesn't matter if you agree with the healthcare law or not, this is a game of hide and seek with the economy. I'm not saying that republicans needed to cave, nor that democrats needed to cave. I am stating that both sides should have agreed to serious talks with regards to keeping the government open and not holding the population hostage. The big concern now is the debt celling and how that particular issue will be affected, truthfully that's not really as big an issue though.

I think the bigger issue is the question of how we can make our "leaders" act less like gangsters at a mob pow wow and more like leaders. Until these "leaders" can change their tune, America will continue to look like a day care full of children with discipline problems.