Wednesday, October 30, 2013


We look back at the closure of the US government and we can safely say that not a single thing has changed. Let's look at this from a simplistic perspective:

  • The affordable care act is still a troubled piece of legislation 
  • The site for insurance exchanges has been a joke
  • The parties are still pointing fingers without really doing a damn thing
  • The medical device tax will likely bring forth a wrath of special interest battles
So, to sum it all up we got screwed as a nation for 16 days with nothing to show for it. I remember hearing a zealous conservative say it was a liberal thing while also watching liberals say it was a conservative thing. Let's face facts for a minute, liberals and conservatives are not working for anything other than their own legacies, the constituency always comes last. 

A few years ago I read a book that was written by Samuel Pettengill, who served in the US congress for 8 years during the great division. I remember his book Smoke Screen was an insider's view into Washington politics and essentially served as the counterpoint to The New Deal. If we look at the Affordable Care Act, it's really the med version of the new deal. 

It doesn't matter if you are for it or if you are against it, it's the law of the land. This law like any other law requires expenditures and said expenditures have to come from forms of taxation we as a nation may not agree with. In the end if it works or if it doesn't is going to depend on fund allocation and proper execution. The fact is that politicians could care less, they want the ability to cater to someone in order to have fall back money because the hundreds of thousands that they make every year is not enough. 

Obama was a community organizer and is now a millionaire like every other US president to come around. It doesn't matter what you think, opinions of the masses are unimportant at this point. The Affordable Care Act will likely stick around and present problems like the insurance exchanges site, for one. It's time we wake up, smell the coffee and realize that are interests are not that important to our 535 legislators. 

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