Thursday, November 15, 2012


There is nothing in this world more pathetic to me than a drug dealer. To me a drug dealer is the lowest form of life second only to pedophiles. I write this because I can and I feel like it. It's your choice to stop reading now or continue on. Frankly I hate the "player" wannabe idiots in the drug trade because truthfully their ignorance is beyond reproach.

Let me start with an experience I had in the bathroom of a very nice rooftop club. I was in the bathroom and as I got to the sink to wash my hands I saw this kid who seemed well to do trying to deal a little something to another patron because his tab was more than he could afford. I am glad I was not drunk because I would have likely laughed out loud at the pitiful situation. I left the bathroom quickly and decided to turn a blind eye because frankly I am no one's savior.

To me these little street shit punks that think they are special and tough are a joke. I myself do not come from the street nor do I pretend to have gangster credibility but frankly I don't need it. The truth of the matter is it does not matter who you are or the level you are in you will get caught. Pablo Escobar the glorified errand boy of the Ochoa Family went like a ton of bricks on an incline and he actually declared war on the government of Colombia and built his own prison. The fact is that the gaudy watches and chains mean very little when you are headed nowhere rapidly.

I hate to hear the bullshit about "I had no other choice" when you see how many people come from the worst environments and go on to successful and productive lives.  There is a choice between being practical and a good person and being a total idiot. Unfortunately the glorification of gangster figures in film has not helped the problem as there are millions of Tony Montana wannabes in this country alone.

The fact is that people create and glorify ideals that don't have room in society but nevertheless are jammed in anyway. Yes there are issues like environment, personality, behavior, and psychological profiles but none of that changes the fact that drug dealers and the people around them are simply pathetic.


  1. Shut fuck up man, If you're successful in life well,congratulations my man !
    But some peoples like me ... No, like US don't have another choices, some people go on " successful and productive lives", but, in liberalism it is normal to have differents social classes.
    We start by failing at study, after we meet the street and start working... There's no good job make us rich when you don't study at school.

    We make only one choice.

    1. First off, put down GTA and start trying to learn how to string words together. I won't try to explain everything wrong with your assesment as it is obvious you suffer from a massive case of ignorance.

    2. After ten years I just realized my drug dealer A Patino is very pathetic.
