Wednesday, November 21, 2012


You know something? I am so sick of violence in general. I abhor people that think in their tiny minds that they are somehow better because they can either shoot a gun or beat someone senseless. I am still yet to understand the primal human need to see who can piss a longer stream in the jungle. The truth of the matter is that no matter what you do or how inadequate you feel, acts of violence will not make you a better person. Let me go point by point on the things that bother me the most in this world of ours.

  • Violence Against Women- A man thinks that by beating a woman he establishes himself as king shit. Please go take care of your micro penis complex in a psychiatrist couch you don't impress anyone. If you are tough try wrestling an alligator down in the bayou. 
  • Violence Against Children- Men or women do not have the right to rob children of their few precious years of love and innocence. The fact is children are born pure of heart and mind and none of us have the right to screw that up.
  • Violence Related to Drugs- Anytime drugs are involved someone is shot, wounded, or completely fucked in some unimaginable way. The problem with this type of violence is that it does not always affect people directly or indirectly involved with drugs. 
  • Violence in Protest- Again this is the type f thing that does not need to happen. Martin Luther King protested segregation with non violence and he changed the view of an entire country. Gandhi preached non violence and stands as the type of figure whose understanding of sacrifice really encouraged a whole movement.   
The fact of the matter is that when you hurt someone or you commit an act of violence to prove some ill guided point you accomplish not a damn thing. If you are violent by nature please grow up because your sort is boring and beyond stupid.

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