Thursday, November 15, 2012


I have decided to launch a campaign that will likely result in a significant change in the food pyramid  . What is this campaign you ask? It's simple really, I want to bring prestige back to the taco. The fact is that when done right the taco can be one hell of a meal. I have seen tacos made with carne frita, carne asada, rice, onions, and so many wonderful things that you just think you won't be able to fit it the mouth.

Recently and I mean over the last three decades places like Taco Bell and other bastard incarnations have turned the once noble taco into a cheap, tawdry, whore like snack. I say that this needs to change and that change can come starting now! Let's make the taco the proud dish it once one. Boycott Taco Bell and let us all make youtube videos that could possibly span a gubernatorial candidate. I think we can all agree the taco deserves better.

Let's look at the decline of the taco people:

1) It is thought of as a shitty snack
2) Often used to refer as a woman's genital region
3) People think it has filler material instead of actual meat
4) It is sometimes sold in mass quantities
5) No sauce, a taco is not a taco without Tabasco sauce
6) Considered a lesser plate

I say let's stand up as a nation for our noble and helpful taco. YES WE CAN!!!!! TACO NOW, TACO MANANA, AND TACO FOREVER!

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