Sunday, July 28, 2013


I consider myself a level headed person but I can't tolerate punk kids. Today some little bastard parked his bike, with himself on it, in the middle of the parking lot, making it impossible for anyone to move without hitting him. Personally I decided to go around but my initial feeling was to plow the little fucker down. I thought for a second and realized I really only wanted to beat the shit out of the father and mother of this punk kid.

People seem to love to fuck and mix their seed until they create a child. It seems like parents give up the minute that they have the kid. The father leaves, the mother may be too busy giving it out, the couple may hate one another. I hate parents that decide that, because they can effectively mix fluids, they will have wonderful kids. Parents seem to give up fairly easily on their kids, producing reality show hoes and delinquents.

I feel I can speak with real authority in the matter simply because of the fact that my 17 year old knows the concept of limits very well. I would like to encourage people to use contraceptives and take a long look at themselves before having kids, the world doesn't need more assholes.

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