Monday, January 21, 2013


I have always respected the right of individuals to chose their own spiritual paths. To me it doesn't matter if you are a devout christian, a muslim, an atheist, or an agnostic who does not fully comprehend the meaning of that particular word. The fact is we are members of a society where it is our right to chose what we believe in. I do draw the line when those beliefs cross a spot labeled "DANGER."

I am sure by this point you are wondering what that spot may be. I will take this time to explain that particular spot in some detail. I do not really respect the right of a person to assume that they can sit on a moral high ground on the basis of their own spiritual beliefs. The fact of the matter is that if I chose to eat artery clogging meats and you love to eat vegetables it does not mean you are apt to judge me.

People have to nasty habit of thinking that once they open up some sort of "holy" book and begin reading it like a trained parrot they are suddenly exempt of past stupidity and actions. It seems like people that discover their own fancy, especially those that "find" God, really love to talk and point holly fingers. I want to make a plea for the sake of those beings, do not make that mistake.

While we live in this wonderful society of spiritual freedom we also live in a society where it is my right to tell you what I think and in the process crush the core of your soul if necessary. My thing is this, I will listen to you while at the same time formulating an eloquent way to crush your argument and make you question yourself. A former prostitute or whore monger can quote the bible from cover to cover and I can quote life's reality.

I personally can question the creation and record keeping practices that made the bible the "book of record." I think that it's a valid question to ask " How was this record kept and compiled over a period of nearly 2000 years?" I am not revealing anything about my own beliefs but I am making the point that no one likes being given unrequested and unnecessary sermons . I think it's a sad thing that sermons, advice, and judgement all come from absolution of personal torment.

The fact is that we all have flaws in this world. To quote the great Lance Armstrong " I am a flawed character." I will conclude by stating that while I am flawed I am also honest enough and smart enough to see through thin veils and tear them up like a vicious cat attempting to wrangle a mouse.

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