Saturday, April 27, 2013


Often times I see and hear people say that any particular situation is so overwhelming that they cannot move forward. Break ups, make ups, shake ups, screw ups, and any ups or downs are too much. Then there are individuals who move along in a manner that is beyond relaxed, really just borderline catatonic. Why the contrast? Simple, because in life you have to fight to move on no matter what the situation, and you have to fight while moving in order to keep from becoming a stepping stone. People tend to do way more talking and bitching than moving and fighting. I have been guilty of this crime myself, allowing situations beyond my control to take over my spirit and desire. I don't think about it but the truth is that when I do it only serves as a lesson, a lesson that encourages me to want to be different. Over thinking something and letting it get the best of your mind, spirit, body, or whatever is an easy road to perpetual defeat. Not thinking at all leads to the same thing. So the answer, as I see it, is to move and fight do one while doing the other. I know it is so much easier to say than do, but, is there anything in life that is not difficult to some extent? I am sure people will look at this and comment on my lack of a thesis statement, or grammatically correct approach, to that I say a big I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. There is a point behind what is written here, the point is that there is always a fight to be fought and that makes life interesting if we choose to engage and continue. I do not know the answer to the riddle of life but I do know and clearly understand the challenge.

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