Tuesday, April 9, 2013


With the death of Margaret Thatcher I realized that I just waved bye bye to a part of my childhood. I was a child during the 80's when Reagan was POTUS, Thatcher was Prime Minister and Gorbachev was lead Soviet guy. I can't really say I had much of a grip on the world political climate of the times because I was more interested in cartoons and toys than anything else but I always had an admiration for Margaret Thatcher.

I looked at margaret Thatcher as that quietly, passively dominant and overbearing aunt that you hated and admired at the same time. Mrs. Thatcher reminded me of an aunt my mother had who dressed in similar fashion and had an equally arrogant and superior air about herself. What I think made Thatcher fascinating was the fact that she was a woman in a male dominated scene. It doesn't matter if you agreed with her politics or not she made her way up the ladder during a time when women were very rarely in power positions.

Thatcher's career spanned 31 years from 1959 to 1990 and she was considered a close ally to the US during the final years of the Cold War. Thatcher's strength and resolve made her a true legend and put her in the same category as Sir Winston Churchill. There will always be differing opinions but the fact is that her career will stand out as a major part of an incredible legacy.

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