Thursday, November 3, 2011

When whizzing on the electric fence shocks you badly

So this is my first "blog" and man do I feel like a hypocrite. My wife has been telling me for years that I must blog. I never really dug the term for multiple reasons. My first reason for looking down on "blog" is because it made me think of that movie "The Blob." I really thought it was a trendy thing to do and I try to avoid that. The next thing you know you are the next idiot carrying a large cup of coffee and European man bag or purse telling the world that you are going to blog prior to Zumba class. I am into exercise by the way but I do do enjoy saying Zumba. At this point I am sure you are wondering how in the hell does my rant relate to my tittle and my response is patience because I like the build up.

I liken my experience here as that of a person that likes to come near an electric fence and take a whizz. I have never done that but I am sure it isn't necessarily pleasant. I have taken the time to prepare a bulleted list as to why whizzing on the electric fence may be bad and even SHOCKING and here it is:

  1. The smell of urine if you are dehydrated and in general is just awful
  2. Electric fences have varying effects on a person or animal
  3. High tensile wires look fun and you may try the light saber battle but I would not recommend it (reference the film Spaceballs or Star Wars)
  4. You may not be able to procreate after whizzing action
  5. You are liable to develop freaky powers
If you don't believe it google it or maybe consider the WIKI route because they are highly trained scientists working for the purpose of your edification. At any rate let me continue on because I am building up to a bombshell that is bigger than Nancy Grace's beautifully sculpted hindquarters planetarium.

I saw the blog as an electric fence that I would never come near or whizz on. I have better sense than to do something like that in an open field so it isn't like I would do that any way. Alas here I am in the blog and whizzing on the electric fence. I am SHOCKED because of it but I'll get over it sooner than I got over the breakup of my first relationship in third grade (Recess-Lunch). Sorry if you are disappointed with a great buildup but come on Nancy Grace's ass is just gold.

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