Saturday, March 29, 2014


I haven't really kept up with the news of Vladimir Putin's latest shenanigans, simply because I don't particularly care for him in any respect. When I saw a picture circulating of Putin next to Steven Seagal my curiosity was peaked. I glanced over the article where the "Star" called Putin a brother and so on. I realized then that Putin has a side gig, luring fat has been actors into Russia with promises of of doughnuts, cheese, and fine wine.

I think Putin believes that with warriors like Seagal and Gerard Depardieu he can make make the world think twice about his martial arts and governing abilities. Seagal is a Mob Hitman, CIA Operative, Martial Arts Guru, Action Star, Cop, Reality Star and Voodoo Priest. The implications here are that Putin can learn so very much from the jolly fat weapon of mass pollution, he may well be unstoppable.

Let's see how these two bangerz threaten the world, and yes that was a Miley reference.


  1. Once again I stand in awe of your in depth analysis of the complex psycho/political drama that this bromance represents. If ever there was a "mine is bigger than Yours!" penis envy this most assuredly is it. Nothing Seagal does or says would surprise me but I was deeply saddened by the obvious mental breakdown of Gerald Depardieu. Masterfully written Mr. Acevedo! Bravo!

    1. Totally agree Rat, if anyone suffers from that syndrom of more balls than brains Mr Seagal certainly qualifies !
      Don't let the screen door hit ya in the ass Stevie boy, say I whom knows nothing....
