Saturday, January 26, 2013


Recently there have been some sightings of Bigfoot in Oregon. Apparently a young Bigfoot was separated from his mother and has been making a lot of noise in the mountains near an Indian reservation. My guess is that Bigfoot was likely expelled from Sasquatch High for smoking reefer and gambling at the Wildhorse Resort and Casino.

I think it's a bit much when a folk legend gets this much press. I can understand the whole idea behind wanting to believe in Bigfoot because let's face it, bullshit is the best kind of shit. It has been an eternity of sorts and Bigfoot's existence has yet to be proven. My question is: Why is this nonsense being encouraged? I think I see where this is headed too.

In about 3 months there will be an episode of Jesse Ventura's show Conspiracy Theory where Jesse will not only set out to prove that Bigfoot is real but that Bigfoot was a botched attempt at creating a half human and half animal super soldier to eradicate enemies of America. I also see more to this story as I can picture Vince McMahon trying to promote a death match between Bigfoot and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Folk tales are one thing but making news out of normal wildlife sounds is the total opposite. I say to the scared Oregonians " grow up" and if you don't like the noises you hear get a nightlight.

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