Saturday, February 16, 2013


I love idiots that think they are members of the elite, highly limited true celebrity group. I find it entertaining that said idiots consider themselves players when in all reality they are quite the opposite. In the age of social media they take pictures of themselves with or at the very least near celebrities and refer to them as "my dear friends." Seriously, how pathetic can you be? Some of these morons have day jobs that they want to keep a secret because they don't consider them to be on par with their "celebrity" status.

I guess that by that set of standards I can consider myself a superstar author. I mean I have ghost written a book, self published another and between my blogs and articles for yahoo I have generated somewhere in the neighborhood of 18,000 hits. I guess that makes me a red carpet, no wait it doesn't and neither does the fact that I was a finalist in the Beverly Hills Film Festival Screenwriting Contest.

I don't care for these little pretenders that consider the people they have requested their " lovely dear fans." I have news jackass and those news are that no one knows you, at least not yet so please stop the bullshit. The truth of the matter is that there is only one real red carpet and everything else is a cheap imitation. Don't call yourself a player if you don't know the rules of the game, it's immature and annoying.

Be real and please don't try to flaunt a talent unless you actually have it.

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