Monday, February 11, 2013


I know a lot of Superman fans will hate me for this but I guess it goes with the territory. Batman is way cooler than Superman and will always kick Superman's ass. I know Superman is from another planet and is practically invulnerable to anything you throw at him. I am keenly aware of the fact that Batman is a human being without superpowers as opposed to the man of steel.

Batman has intelligence and the ability to think in terms of what's right in the end as opposed to every moment. I find Superman to be a sort of puppet of the system. I like Superman from a science fiction perspective but I see him as a sort of idiot that doesn't understand that in life you can't always do what one man tells you is correct or follow every imposed law or rule.

The latest DC Universe animated film shows that Batman is a far more developed character than Superman because within his flaws he tries to work for the improvement of society even if it means going to places that are dark and somewhat unnecessary. Superman is like that annoying kid in the classroom that's always polishing the apple and snitching on the other kids even though he isn't always right.

From a character perspective in just about every way Superman will always be Batman's Sunday bitch. Sorry Superman fans but facts are facts so learn to live with it.

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