Tuesday, October 23, 2012


As a rule of thumb I hate dealing with incomplete truths because they never really help you get a full view of any situation. The problem is not incomplete truths but rather the people that tell them. To me an incomplete truth is really just a lie and the person telling it is a liar.

I hate liars because usually they are not intelligent enough to keep a cohesive story together. To be an effective liar you have to have a spectacular memory and even then you still slip at some point or another. I have a soft spot for liars because they are entertaining when they get caught. Most people that lie just don't know when to quit. I don't hate people but lying is a dirty and horrible little habit and those that partake in it may not be bad but the act kills everything around them.

Liars fail to understand that they undermine themselves in the process of trying to cover for their own stupidity. A person that lies habitually does not really clearly understand that ultimately ends up in a limbo area with little credibility and microscopic amounts of respect allotted to them out of pity and basic human charity.

The only liars that are effective in any way are politicians and a gross majority of religious figures. It's funny to me because both usually tend to lie for what they deem "the greater good." At any rate my advice is don't lie because it makes you look like a worthless amorphous mass. I also urge that lies be avoided so that hate can be less prominent.

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