Saturday, March 9, 2013


After sixteen years the TV show The View is still on the air. The show has gone through several changes and one thing has remained the same, the show is total shit. You have four or five extremely annoying  women talking about nonsense for what seems like an eternity. Yes the show talks about some relevant issues but with few exceptions those conversations are dull as dirt. Now that the unfunniest comedienne in the world Joy Behar has left the show there is a 5 month countdown for the departure of Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I as well a lot of other people just don't really care.

Elizabeth Hasselbeck is boring, self righteous, and a completely transparent person. Nothing she ever did in that idiot show, or outside of it, ever made any sort of impact at all. Oh wait she was a contestant on Survivor over a decade ago. I don't really care if Elizabeth Hasselbeck leaves or stays because that show is garbage. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say " Elizabeth Hasselbeck, you are an idiot and no one cares for your idiot views or idiot career."

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