Monday, March 25, 2013


I have just come up with a great business plan for free childcare. I got the idea from a lady that left her baby in a car with a note at a New Zealand Pack n' Save store. The note was written in first person as if by the baby himself. So here is the business: SHIT MOMMY NOTES! The way the business works is simple, we create notes for all occasions so that when a crack whore mommy, neglectful mommy, unprepared mommy, or bitch mommy puts a kid in a car they can pull the correct note for the correct place and time.

I will now provide our mission statement and that is the following:

The mission of SHIT MOMMY NOTES! is to provide shit mothers the ability to be worst than they actually are.

We have a vison:

Our vision is to give hope to the shit mommies to be, the hope to bring babies to a grim world where there is little to no opportunity for survival.

Yes, we at SHIT MOMMY NOTES! feel that there is a chance for women to neglect the existence of their children and still feel productive and useful. We want to give mommies that opportunity to be absolute crap and feel like they aren't. If you can't tell I'm being completely sarcastic then you really have no business in the human race.

The whole New Zealand thing makes me wonder if we have become so indifferent that a potentially dangerous situation like that has no effect on anyone. The woman that left her baby in a car with a note was not charged because not one person stepped forward to press charges. I will agree that this was not anyone's business but when it comes to a child it should become someone's business. This was a kid being treated like an inanimate object.

This baby had a message all right and that message was that motherhood and parenthood in general is not for everyone. I would say that it's not for the majority of people. Everyone has a great time fucking around but a hard time that comes with the "fallout." This is why the world feels like it's on the brink, because people like that exist. Frankly it's bullshit that this woman did no time and bigger bullshit that she considers herself a mother.

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