Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Recently I read someone categorically state that he was gay and that Jesus took it away. I have about a million different issues with that particular statement. I am not a gay person but I do know quite a few and I studied gay and straight relationships while doing my BA in college. A lot of misconceptions and stereotypes were cleared up for me while learning about gay and straight relations in college. Not all gays are clean and organized, not all are wilting flowers that can be kicked around, and many of them have strong values not centered on their personal preference.

I can't say that being gay is a choice or something that is genetically pre disposed. I know that there is a long running argument between people with regards to that but the truth of the matter is I am not the person to settle it or even weigh in on it. I do understand that saying "I was gay and Jesus took it away" is by far the most ridiculous statement I have ever read in my entire life.

First of all to say that Jesus takes gay away pretty much opens itself to massive misinterpretation. People may assume that Jesus wants the gay or that he kidnaps gay people I mean anyway you cut it the statement sounds just awful. I think that it's great to be religious and have your beliefs but I think it's abhorrent to be so ignorant that you would make a statement like that. Seriously people what the hell is the problem?

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