Friday, November 16, 2012


When you are confronted with your own mortality fear and that uncertainty of what's next really start to set in. Often times people either become reckless beyond human levels or they simply retreat into some sort of shell where everything is far too dangerous to attempt. The bottom line is that when death makes any sort of appearance for tea life becomes a whole new ball game.

I am fascinated by the duality in the reactions of people to death. Some people seem to embrace it and others fear it so that they never seem prepared. I guess that when life ends none of us are ready to understand that or deal with it unless we have seen a full century of time. The fact is that death is an impossible to explain part of life for just about everyone.

I wonder if people ever really think about the scientific explanation which to me sounds basic and extremely simple. When it's your time in life it's your time, its a natural process in most cases. If you think about it even when it's a situation where it was not expected there is something to be said for environmental cause. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time among other reasons.

I am personally not a death monger interested in when or where my time may come. I don't question mortality daily and I certainly do not look for ways in which to learn about the intricacies of mortality. The bottom life is that life is life and death is the last part of it and that is something we should not fight or fear.

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