Saturday, June 8, 2013


When you are a 9 year old kid whatever history you know is usually limited to what you are taught in school or random places. The first time I heard of Nelson Mandela was after I saw the mini series about his life. Sometime later, about two years, I witnessed a landmark moment in world history. In 1990 Nelson Mandela was released after serving 27 years in prison. What I found interesting about his release was the kind of response that it brought.

I began to really understand the greatness of this man in terms of what he meant by the number of people and their reactions. I watched my parents and they both cried tears of joy. Mandela was 72 years of age upon his release and looked like a man that was tired but willing to fight. Mandela wore a gray suit with a red tie and his hair was white. Mandela was the man that went to prison for trying to do away with apartheid. During his period of incarceration Mandela went from being a rumored terrorist to a legend.

Mandela's struggle was against an unfair minority rule that often times reserved high privilege for whites while oppressing the minority. Figures like Peter Biko emerged during the struggle but perished, while Mandela endured until finally he would make history again. In 1994 Mandela would be elected President at age 75. Mandela's election would be a sign that the climate was changing in South Africa.

I remember being a 14 year old kid and following that election thing that at his age Mandela would have a hard time winning, the ignorance of youth. While Mandela would remain a polarizing figure he would often times ruffle feathers on the world stage be being honest and unapologetic. Today Mandela is in a hospital at age 94 and in serious condition. Mandela could die or he could live to be 100. In the end nothing will change the fact that he was the type of figure that comes around once in a lifetime. There will never be another one like him and because of his sacrifices not many, if any, will have to endure what he did.

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